Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another TTG Rewrite Update

The rewrite is going remarkably well. It's going faster than I had expected, which is nice. It turns out that there are some large chunks of the fourth draft that transfer right on over. Switching to one character POV, third limited, has turned out to be precisely what this story needed.

As I did during the first major revision, I find myself fleshing out the plot-lines more. It turns out (and I learned this from my beta reader) that the parts of the story that I had been treating as sub-plot are actually the most riveting part of the story. My original plot is slowly working its way into the background and the stories of my characters are beginning to creep forward. I'm fine with that. On the downside, it is pretty obvious to me that the further into this rewrite that I get, the more actual writing I will have to do. At the moment I am probably cutting and pasting as much as I am adding to the story. I'm hoping to expand the book to about 60,000 words. I found out that when I line-edit, I cut. And cut and cut and cut. This thing needs to be above 50k when the dust settles.

More later.

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