Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Whipped Dog Returneth

Well, let's see how this works. Just added a hack from hackosphere to get those fancy "peekaboo" posts that seem all the rage. We'll see how that goes. There is also the matter what to do with all the old posts on this blog. If you've been following along, then you know that I had abandoned this blog due to problems with Blogger.

Well, I'm back. My little experiment with "Blue Host" and "Wordpress" didn't go the way that I had planned, and it cost me $100 to boot. It is simply beyond my ability to create and maintain my own website (or blog) and as piss-poor as the customer service is on Blogger, it is marginally better than no customer service whatsoever. The truth is, I simply do not care to learn all that crap. Or, more specifically, I don't care to learn any more than I have to. I don't mind fiddling with the html on Blogger, mostly because I can always save and go back if I absolutely botch it all to hell. Over at the Blue Host site, I was casting about in the wilderness.

Updates: I'm pretty much back to square one with The Tronovich Ghost, my YA novel. The first rough draft came out at just under 30,000 words, which is about 20,000 words short of what that market wants. I'm not the kind of writer who can effectively go back over it and plug new scenes in, or "pad" the ones that I already have. So I am sitting here with a copy of the original manuscript on the desk in front of me, starting over from scratch. It is a quandry, because part of me (most of me, actually) wants to just chuck the thing and move on to something else. But the bottom line is that I've already put too much time and effort into this story, and it is getting better during the rewrite process. So here I still am. I guess the pirate-girl is just going to have to hang out in her dressing room for awhile. Maybe she and the "love interest" can practice their sex-scenes.



e_journeys said...

Looks like Carnifex Press is interested in YA novellas, which your word count might fit. The site says Carnifex is closed to submissions, but this seems not to apply to the YA imprint: "we are still actively seeking more YA novellas for a mid-2007 release."

bjbw said...

Thanks for the tip Elissa. I'll follow it up. The embarrassing truth is that as I rewrite, I realize that I started celebrating way too early. What I had actually written was the skeleton of a story. I guess this is what they mean by "learn by doing." :)